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CASPer Practice Test

What is the CASPer Test?

The CASPer test is an online tool used by medical schools and healthcare programs to evaluate applicants' professional and sampling personal characteristics. It's an integral part of the admissions process, designed to assess non-cognitive skills like empathy, ethics, communication, and problem-solving abilities.


Key Points about CASPer:

  1. Format: Consists of 12 sections, each with a video or written scenario followed by open-ended questions.

  2. Assessed Qualities: Focuses on interpersonal skills and personal attributes crucial for healthcare professionals.

  3. Timing: Responses are time-limited, testing quick thinking and effective communication.

  4. Application Role: It's a component of the application process, supplementing academic evaluations.


The CASPer test is part of holistic admissions, aiming to balance personal attributes with academic achievements in evaluating potential healthcare professionals.

Can you Practice for the CASPer Test?

Yes, you can practice for the CASPer test, although the nature of the test means that traditional studying methods, like memorizing information, are less relevant. CASPer is designed to assess innate personal characteristics such as judgment, ethics, communication skills, and empathy.


However, familiarizing yourself with the test format and practicing certain skills can be beneficial. Here are some tips for preparing for the CASPer test:

  1. Understand the Format: Familiarize yourself with the structure of the test, including the types of scenarios presented and the format of the questions.

  2. Practice Typing: Since the test is time-limited and requires typing answers, improving your typing speed and accuracy can be helpful.

  3. Reflect on Ethical Principles and Professionalism: Think about scenarios that involve ethical dilemmas or professional challenges. It's useful to understand basic ethical principles in healthcare and how they might apply in various situations.

  4. Practice Tests Under Timed Conditions: Simulate test conditions by answering practice questions under a time limit. This can help improve your time management skills during the actual test.

  5. Stay Informed on Relevant Topics: Being aware of current healthcare issues, ethical dilemmas in medicine, and general societal issues can provide useful context for your responses.


Remember, while preparation can help, the CASPer test is primarily looking to evaluate your inherent personal characteristics and thinking style, rather than learned knowledge.

Video Response Section

  • Format-

    • Scenario Presentation: In the video response section, candidates are presented with a short video scenario. This scenario often involves a challenging or ethical situation that one might encounter in a professional setting.

    • Response Time: After watching the video, candidates have a limited amount of time to respond. Typically, they are given 60-90 seconds to provide their response via video recording.

  • Types of Scenarios-

    • Ethical Dilemmas: Scenarios may present ethical challenges where candidates need to demonstrate their ability to navigate complex moral situations.

    • Interpersonal Conflicts: Situations involving conflicts between individuals where candidates must show their conflict resolution and communication skills.

    • Professional Situations: Scenarios that mimic real-life professional environments, requiring candidates to respond in a manner that reflects professionalism and integrity.

Free CASPer Sample Questions

It is important to note that CASPer questions are typically open-ended and Word based scenario, focusing on evaluating personal and ethical decision-making, rather than multiple-choice questions with definitive answers. Below each question you will find a breakdown of what graders might look for in your answer.

CASPer Test Sample Question #1

Scenario: You notice that one of your classmates often makes disrespectful comments about patients during class discussions. How would you address this situation?

Understanding of Professionalism: Recognizing the importance of respect towards patients in a healthcare setting.

Conflict Resolution Skills: How you would approach the classmate and whether you can do so in a respectful, constructive manner.

Empathy: Balancing the need to correct inappropriate behavior with understanding why the classmate might behave this way.

CASPer Test Sample Question #2

Scenario: Imagine you are a doctor and you have a patient who refuses a life-saving treatment due to their religious beliefs. How would you handle this?


Respect for Autonomy: Acknowledging the patient's right to make decisions about their own care.

Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding and respecting religious beliefs.

Communication Skills: How you would communicate with the patient about their decision.

CASPer Test Sample Question #3

Scenario: You are part of a team, and you realize that one team member is not contributing their fair share to a group project. What steps would you take?


Identifying ways to encourage equal participation.

Problem-Solving: Strategies for addressing the issue without causing unnecessary conflict.

Leadership: Demonstrating leadership skills in handling team dynamics.

CASPer Test Sample Question #4

Scenario: Suppose you are a nurse and you overhear a colleague giving incorrect health advice to a patient. What would you do?


Advocacy for Patient Safety:
Recognizing the importance of correct health advice.

Interpersonal Relations: How you would address the issue with your colleague.

Professional Responsibility: Balancing collegial relationships with patient welfare.

CASPer Test Sample Question #5

Scenario: You are working on a research project and find that your results contradict the popular opinion in your field. How would you proceed with publishing your findings?


Integrity in Research:
Commitment to truth and accuracy in scientific inquiry.

Handling Criticism: Preparing for potential backlash or criticism from the community.

Ethical Reasoning: Navigating the challenges of publishing controversial or unexpected results.

CASPer Test Sample Question #6

Scenario: Imagine you are a teacher and you notice that one of your students is consistently bullied by others. What actions would you take?


Empathy for Students:
Understanding the impact of bullying on a student's well-being.

Conflict Resolution: Strategies to address bullying in a school setting.

Advocacy: How you would advocate for a safe and inclusive learning environment.

CASPer Test Sample Question #7

Scenario: You work in a clinic and a patient expresses dissatisfaction with the care they received from another doctor. How do you respond?

Patient-Centered Care:
Ensuring the patient feels heard and respected.

Communication Skills: How to discuss the issue with the patient and potentially the other doctor.

Professionalism: Balancing patient concerns with professional integrity.

CASPer Test Sample Question #8

Scenario: As a manager, you find out that one of your employees has been taking credit for the work of others. What would be your approach to resolve this issue?

Leadership and Fairness:
Dealing with the issue in a way that is fair to all employees.

Conflict Resolution: Addressing the behavior while maintaining a positive work environment.

Team Dynamics: Ensuring the team's morale and productivity are not adversely affected.

CASPer Test Sample Question #9

Scenario: During a team meeting, two colleagues get into a heated argument. As a team leader, how would you intervene?

Conflict Management:
Demonstrating the ability to de-escalate a situation.

Team Leadership: Maintaining a cohesive team environment.

Communication Skills: Effectively mediating between conflicting parties.

CASPer Test Sample Question #10

Scenario: You discover that a close friend has been engaging in unethical practices at their workplace. How would you address this with them?

Ethical Reasoning:
Weighing the importance of honesty and integrity against personal relationships.

Empathy: Understanding your friend's perspective while addressing unethical behavior.

Interpersonal Skills: How you would communicate your concerns to your friend.

In each case, the graders are looking for well-rounded responses that show an understanding of the complexity of the scenarios, ethical and professional considerations, and effective communication skills. It's also important to demonstrate an ability to think critically and empathetically, considering multiple perspectives in your response.

Is the CASPer Test Hard to Pass?

The CASPer test, known for its unique assessment style, presents a tough challenge. It evaluates candidates based on thought processes and ethical reasoning, rather than right or wrong answers. One of the main challenges is the time pressure, as candidates must quickly comprehend and respond to diverse scenarios.


This requires adaptability and a strong ethical foundation. Unlike traditional exams, preparation for the CASPer test leans more towards introspection and honest self-reflection than memorization.

The test also includes a competitive element, as performances are compared with other test-takers. However, candidates do not receive detailed feedback or their exact scores, which adds to the difficulty in self-assessment. This format tests a range of skills, including effective communication, problem-solving, and the ability to think under pressure.

What is a Good CASPer Score?

A "good" CASPer score, can be interpreted through two different metrics: quartile scores and z-scores (these are the scores that only the colleges get). Both these measures provide a relative assessment of your performance compared to other test-takers.

Understanding Quartile Scores:

  • 4th Quartile: This is the highest quartile and indicates that you scored in the top 25% of all test-takers. Achieving a score in the 4th quartile is typically considered excellent.

  • 3rd Quartile: Scoring in the 3rd quartile means you are above the median, placing you in the top 50% but below the top 25%.


Z-Scores Overview:

  • Z-Score of 0: This means your score is exactly at the mean (average) for all test-takers in your cohort.

  • Positive Z-Score (e.g., +1): A positive z-score indicates that you scored above the mean. For example, a z-score of +1 means you scored higher than the mean by one standard deviation.

  • Negative Z-Score (e.g., -1): Conversely, a negative z-score signifies a score below the mean. A -1 z-score would mean you scored one standard deviation below the mean.


Interpreting a "Good" Score:

  • A good CASPer score can be considered as one that falls in the 3rd or 4th quartile, or has a positive z-score.

  • Each medical school or program may have its own interpretation of CASPer scores. Some might place more emphasis on scores that are significantly above average (e.g., 4th quartile or high positive z-score), while others might consider a broader range of scores as acceptable.

  • It's important to note that CASPer scores are used in conjunction with other elements of your application, such as GPA, MCAT scores, personal statements, and letters of recommendation.

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